Overview Of TMD WooCommerce Product Label Plugin
This plugin allows the admin to add a label to the product image. There are several label styles available to display on products.
This plugin will assist administrators in creating label text such as New, Best Selling, On Sale, Discount, and others. It also offers administrators to customize the color and font to properly match the website. The product label module allows administrators to display labels on certain categories and products.
The main feature of this Plugin is that it will work on top of your existing product images, and you do not need to modify any default product images. Adding labels on WooCommerce products is easy now for the admin.
Admin Login and password for demo checking

Product Label Types And Position
Installation is easy and could be done in a few steps. Just follow the WordPress default plugin/theme installation process and the plugin is ready to use on the website.
There are four pre-designed labels present in the setting. Admin only needs to select one of them and it is ready to show. The label can be shown at the product image's top, and bottom locations. Select the one design in which the label text will show.
All the label designs are eye Graber and attract customer to focus on the product, and ultimately increase sales.
Position of label
- Top-Left
- Top-Right
- Bottom-Left
- Bottom-Right
Types of label designs
- Ribbon
- Square
- Star
- Edge

Design Label
Select the best suitable label text color from color Patel according to the theme of the website and selected label design.
Admin has the option to show the label for no days. Define the days in the setting and the label will automatically remove when the days passed. It is best for prime deals that are held for a few days.
It is designed by taking care of merchant websites and their customer engagements. The website can customize label color, text, font, and position of appearance.
Admin can enter the time for animation of label text in seconds. txt animation will be an endless loop after the second entered by the admin automatically.
- Text Color
- Lable background color.
- Animation time, type.
- No of days to show

Apply Label On Categories Or Products
This plugin has the option to show the label on a product or category only. Select the product by typing the name, it means the label will show only the selected product image. The same goes for the category.
Select multiple products or categories at the same time. The created label will show on both selected products and selected category(ies) products.
- Supports categories only.
- Products only.
- Both products and categories.

Create Unlimited Product Label
WooCommerce product label plugin lets admins create labels according to their business requirements. There could be infinite product label lists that can be created with different-different products and categories.
All the labels will be visible in the list with the edit option.

Compatible With Latest WooCommere Version
TMDExtension follows WooCommerce code standards to create a product label plugin. It works perfectly on 5.x to 6.x versions of WooCommerce.It is also tested up to the latest stable version 6.3.1.
Testing has been done using the unit test to give the best quality of work. There will be no core file that will alter after the installation of the plugin into your website.
Your website files will remain the same and untouched after the installation of WooCommerce plugins and themes. The website will remain to function as it does. It is easy to use right? Yeah!
If you have any kind of questions or looking for support. Please create a ticket.
Last Update 25 sep 2023
Published 15 Dec 2022
High Resolution Yes
Compatible Browsers -> IE10, IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge
Files Included -> JavaScript JS, HTML, CSS, PHP
Software Version -> WordPress 6.3.1, WordPress 5.9.x, WordPress 5.8.x, WordPress 5.7.x, WordPress 5.6.x, WordPress 5.5.x, WordPress 5.4.x, WordPress 5.3.x, WordPress 5.2.x, WordPress 5.1.x, WordPress 5.0.x, WordPress 4.9.x