Creative Portfolio PSD Template is designed according to Today’s People work need. Template contains included total 17 PSD files that can be easily customizable. PSD files are fully layered and user can customize them with ease, All elements are in group and can easily identify by the group name as well. We design Portfolio as per People needs and follow all necessary information which must present into a Portfolio Website. We also take care of extra requirement that is – People also want to sell their Pictures or Videos on their portfolio website. So that our Template have E-commerce part that let user to sell their products.
Creative Portfolio PSD Template is consist of all pages that must present on a Portfolio website or should be necessary. PSD consist of 4 type of Home Page with different – different Header and Footer which gives People to choose more selectively according to their needs. Our Main Focus was portfolio so that template contains Portfolio section on Home Page, Portfolio and Portfolio Single page. Portfolio page is consist with Banner and Portfolio section that allow people to add portfolio categories and show portfolio accordingly. We also add pagination so it will support many pictures or Videos. Portfolio Single page allow people to show Picture with title and description. We also add E-commerce feature add that let customer to buy peoples work :).
E-commerce Our design have E-commerce part. Our Template have all E-commerce pages which must present on an Product selling website. Page List are, Login , Register, Cart Page, Checkout Page.
Additional Pages Creative Portfolio PSD Template contain Additional Pages like 404 page, Features, Faq, Blog, Blog Single Page. These Pages show how a website owner is caring their our user and more gives user friendly website. Our PSD Template consist of Login, Register, Shopping cart and Checkout page designs. We also give preference to Bloggers. We also created Blog and Single Blog Page. Our well design 404 page Each Home page have 11 section – are : Header, Slider, Information section, Our Portfolio Section, why You choose us, How we work, Our Blog, Testimonial, A Logo Section, Contact us, Footer. Our designs, let people to choose header and footer from 4 different-different layouts.
Home page
Home page two
Home page three
Home page four
About us
Contact us
Portfolio single view
Our blog
Blog detail
Login registration
Shopping cart